First Annual Wisconsin Peer In-Tent-sive
What’s Happening and Why?
We’re inviting you to a weekend of building community, seeing people in-person, respecting the pandemic and enjoying the benefits of nature! Our goal is to bring Brainspotting Practitioners together for self-care, practice, and a good time. We’re open and flexible (as the COVID times dictate) in the finer details. Our plan is for large group time and also partner/dyad time during the days with opportunities for teaching/learning & practicing/processing and more relaxing and unstructured evenings.
Event Details
Date: Friday 4/29/22 – Sunday 5/1/22
Location: Kohler-Andrae State Park Group Sites A & B
Cost: Pay What Feels Meaningful – (We spent ~$200 for the campsites for two nights)
Sleeping possibilities: Camp with us! – Or – Stay at one of the nearby hotels
Food/Cooking: Plan to bring your own and provide for yourself. Depending on Covid’s Status and personal preference, we’re hoping for a potluck or two!
Amenities: Vault toilets on site, Potable Water, Flush Toilets, Showers all just a short nature walk away.
Please RSVP noting your attendance, camping/hotel plans, and also note if you desire to be part of the party planning process and core container!
Coordinated by Devon Armstrong APSW ( & Anastasia Coppola APSW (