Grant Program Policies and Procedures

  • Checking account will be set up for the Grant for Veterans and those who are Uninsured or under-insured.
  • MBI Member Therapist will gain consent from current or potential client to fill out application for a set number of sessions not to exceed 10.
  • MBI Member Therapist will send in application to MBI Grant committee via secure means (website or email).
  • MBI Grant committee will meet to review application and discuss approval or denial of application.
  • Approval of application will be based on objective criteria set by Grant committee as well as level of urgency and need.
  • Committee will inform Therapist within 30 days of application on status of application.
  • Funds will be distributed by Therapist sending a billing statement to MBI Grant committee, and a check will be issued for a fair and reasonable amount that the Grant has deemed will be the session reimbursement. This fee will be set at $100.00.
  • No Midwest Brainspotting Institute (MBI) Board member is eligible to apply for or receive grant monies.

Therapist Requirements

To be considered for a grant through Midwest Brainspotting Institute (MBI) Grant Program, clinicians providing  Brainspotting (BSP) treatment must meet the following criteria:


  1. Be a current MBI member
  2. Be fully licensed to practice psychotherapy in their state according to their individual discipline (e.g., psychology, medicine, social work, etc.)
  3. Have physically or virtually attended and completed at least Phase 1 and Phase 2 Brainspotting live (not DVD) trainings
  4. Have acquired at least six months of BSP experience
  5. Agree to seek supervision with a BSP consultant as needed
  6. Agree to abide by the ethical codes of conduct as outlined by their profession and state/province of practice and international Brainspotting organization.
  7. Agree to use grants only for rendering BSP therapy directly to a client/recipient
  8. Must work in private practice or for an organization that accepts single-case agreements.
  9. Must coordinate or secure the single-case agreement with organization prior to submitting application to the MBI Grant Committee.
  10. Include in application Release of Information form signed by client to share client information related to the MBI Grant Program application.
  11. Submit completed MBI Grant Invoice form, Therapist Summary of Treatment, Client Initial Screening and Satisfaction Survey, and other applicable billing statements to MBI Grant Committee when sessions have been completed (not more than 10 sessions).
  12. Have read, understood, and agree to follow all MBI Grant Program guidelines and submit all completed Grant Program documents.

Client/Recipient Requirements

To be considered for a grant through MBI, clients receiving BSP treatment can be

  1. Reasonably assumed to benefit from BSP;
  2. Suffer a diagnosable mental disorder as outlined by the ICD-10, DSM-5, or the PDM-2 and as diagnosed by the clinician, or are otherwise psychologically, emotionally, or cognitively vulnerable; and
  3. Can independently understand informed consent and agree to treatment and must meet one (1) criteria from the following:
    1. Have an income equal to or less than 125% of the federal poverty level or are otherwise deemed economically vulnerable*:


Household Size 1 2 3 4
Annual Income Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG) $12,060 $16,240 $20,420 $24,600
125% FPG $15,075 $20,300 $25,525 $30,750
*See More Here Guidelines
    1. Have limited access to health care for one or more the following possible reasons:
      1. Cannot afford premiums
      2. Do not qualify for Medicaid/Medicare
      3. Have exorbitantly high deductibles (e.g. greater than $2,500)
      4. Do not have mental health coverage

2.  Are a veteran of any war or a public servant exposed to trauma (e.g. police officer, paramedic, 911 operator or first responders.

3.  Meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Standards