High Acuity Brainspotting (Online Training)
Are you struggling with Complex Clients?
This training is geared for outpatient, inpatient, residential, wilderness, Intensive outpatient, or corrections therapists struggling to apply brainspotting with more complex and acute clients and issues.
This 3 day training will help trainees conceptualize and use adjusted frames and BSP skills.
Attendees will walk away with tangible and helpful ways to tritrate brainspotting to the clients that need it the most.
What is High Acuity?
High Acuity is an inclusive term to describe complex struggles and presentations that we see in our offices and program which include:
- High states of distress
- Sleeplessness & insomnia
- Suicidality or self harm
- Substance abuse and/or withdrawal experiences
- Chronic depression or manic states
- Rage and aggression
- Complex/Developmental trauma
- Attachment activation & distrust
- Eating disorders
- Dissociation s
- Flashbacks
Working in a Storm
When working with Higher Acuity individuals, it is like working in the middle of a storm, as they live with a storm inside of them with very little firm, dry ground to stand on. Working relationally and neurophysiologically to build islands of sleep, trust, non-flashbacks, groundedness, and/or calmness is a transformative journey.
It also requires an expanded frame and process to work within the storm to create change.
Navigating the Storm is a Challenge
Working in the storm is a difficult experience. Treating complex clients and issues is tough. You are not alone. Having a strong framework, solid conceptualization, and a well-stocked toolbox can help us weather it.
In Day 3 of Phase 1, we talk about working with individuals outside the window of tolerance. In this training, we seek to offer tangible solutions and resources to help reach and treat complex clients which include:
- Defining high acuity clients
- An expanded frame BSP model
- Effective brainspotting strategies & tools
Must have completed Brainspotting Phase 1 to attend the training.