High Acuity Care Brainspotting Training

Are you struggling with treating clients using brainspotting with difficult behaviors – self harm, suicidality, substance abuse, flashbacks, or sleep disturbance?

Are you struggling with never getting to brainspotting with some clients as they are just too unstable or complex to get to the deeper roots?

Are you struggling with clients avoiding brainspotting, having strong after affects or not being able to access activation to do brainspotting.

This is the training for You!



At the Brainspotting High Acuity Care Initiative (HACBSP), we are striving to increase access to tools, knowledge, and training for those working with some of the populations that are struggling the most and often can’t receive supportive services like many others can.



People struggling with complexities such as developmental trauma, addiction, complex PTSD, major depression, complex grief, suicidality, self-harm and a host of other deeper issues are often not getting the help they need.  They arrive at the different levels of care seeking answers, help, relief and a life line to stay alive but often are unable to get their needs met as therapies and interventions are being used with them that don’t match what their system needs. 


The Brainspotting High Acuity Care Initiative (BSPHAC) was created to empower practitioners and agencies to better use Brainspotting with the individuals that need it the most – those struggling with higher acuities. Over the first 2 years, we worked primarily with adolescent residential agencies to help bring Brainspotting and parallel training to help integrate it into a population that desperately needs Brainspotting however we learned through this process that there is a greater need for these skills in a host of different populations and setting so thus the expansion of this initiative to increase its impact.


In this 3 day training each trainee will gain knowledge and training through powerpoint presentation, demonstrations and practicums with the following subject matters:


  • How the High Acuity Care approaches fit within the broader Brainspotting model
  • Definition of High Acuity clients and issues
  • Working with Higher Acuities in differing levels of care
  • Understanding, Assessing and Working with Individuals Outside the BSP Window of Tolerance
  • Using BSP as an Intervention vs Diagnostically
  • How to Use Brainspotting to Build Islands of Regulation
  • Specific Brainspotting Interventions and Set Ups with High Acuity populations
  • Creating a Dual Attunement Frame that meets High Acuity individuals


Receive 21 CEs for this training:

If you would like to purchase continuing education for the training then please Click here to register for CEs to pay an additional $35 fee for NAADAC certified CEs.  This training offers 21 CEs for the training that are provided through NAADAC as the authorizing provider.  Does not require the individual to be an addiction oriented provider receive CEs through NAADAC.

CE’s authorized by CE Learning Systems which is approved by these national organizations, and by many state licensing boards nationwide.

For more information about continuing education licensure requirements, visit: https://www.addictioncounselorce.com/


Nov 15 - 17 2024


9:00 am - 5:00 pm




Jeff Ryan

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